​Proposes that 64% of electricity will be provided by solar and offshore wind technologies within 20 years. Energy demand is forecast to reduce by 30% due to energy efficiency. Intermittent renewables will work with battery storage and Liquid Propane Gas (LPG) generation to provide a diverse yet secure and affordable supply of electricity for decades to come.

We see opportunities for cleaner & cheaper energy!
Is intended to provide an objective alternative energy option for Bermuda that is robust, forward thinking and will ensure the financial, societal and environmental costs of electricity are set onto a sustainable pathway, with minimal risk to the rate paying public. We believe this goal has been achieved in our plan and hope that our analyses and recommendations assist in deciding the best course of action for Bermuda and her people.

What is LPG?
Liquid Propane Gas
Clean burning Propane gas
Produces more energy per cubic foot vs. LNG
2,516 BTUs per cubic foot
Easier to produce, store & transport
Greater flexibility and less capital intensive

What is LNG?
Liquid Natural Gas
Methane gas
Produces less energy per cubic foot vs. LPG
1,030 BTUS per cubic foot
Must be housed in custom storage & tanks
Limited flexibility and very capital intensive
LPG will
cost less to install,
is safer and less harmful to the environment.
It provides a low risk route to reduce the carbon content of fossil fuel generation in Bermuda while integrating more renewable energy. This is why we are proposing it.